Try this in your mobile; Go to "write message", activate dictionary(T9), n type 8426519681367184748464111 n read.. have a nice day.. a n J o: 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008


it was dark, no one was around. I was walking towards my home, after partying at my bestfriend maatteys place.

All of a sudden, i saw a big whale smiling right at me. reluctantly, i stopped walking. i kept staring at the whale for several seconds.

i wondered, "why the hell am i looking at it? its just a whale? haven't i seen it a couple of times on Spongebob Squarepants TV-Show? its quite normal".

Anyways, i ignored the whale, and started walking towards home. After a couple of steps, my mind just froze; the whale, it had been floating on the sky. it wasn't normal at all. :S

A chill ran down my spine. slowly i turned around..

"Anjo..!!!, wtf are you doing dozing off at this tym of the day??"

"woah!! maattey?? were you smiling at me just now??"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tagged!! [Lemonade Award]

Thanks Converslogic..!

The Rules:
1. Put the Logo/Pic on your post.
2. Nominate atleast 5 blogs.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

The Nominees are:
s!LenT smuRrFs
Devil Angel
Forbidden Tones

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy B'day my kokkiez..

HAPPY B'DAY Dhaina & Yakko..
enjoy the day :D

Friday, October 10, 2008


anhaa.. another post again.. after a short break.. :D

ermm.. so anyways, i was tagged by Converslogic, thanks!

1. what's ur latest addiction?
errmm.. hanging around.?
2. what are u listening to? faraway fm [96.6]
3. how late did u stay up last night n why? neynge hama.. lol
4. who were u with last friday night? so last friday.. can't even remember..
5. do u think u'll be in a relationship 3 months from now? eggothakah ves neynge hama.. :P
6. when is the next time u'll see ur close friends?.. tonight
7. what were u doing this morning at 7am?.. sleepin
8. what radio station do u listen to the most?.. 96.6 faraway fm
9. what was the reason u last cried?.. balaaeh.. neynge
10. have u ever talked to someone when they were high?.. yea
11. what's the fifth text in ur inbox say? i deleted all my msg's in inbox.. :P
12. where was the last coffee shop u go to? at the end of male'..
13. what's ur outfit right now? t.shirt n shorts..
16. what were u doing at 11pm last night?.. in a coffee
17. who was the last person u talked to last night before bed? myself..
18. will u be driving in a year? i drive evn now.
19. is there anything that u are craving right now? for a relationship
20. when did ur last hug take place?.. in september
22. have u ever started a sentence with "No offense, but..."? No offense, but i just did..
23. Do u drink tea? yea
24. have u ever been arrested? no
25. have u rode in someone else's car today? no
26. have u made a mistake this past week?.. yea.. talkin to my x girlfriend
27. who was the last person u texted?.. niya
28. are u happy with ur life right now?.. yea
29. in the past 72 hr have u been under the influence of sleep?.. yea
30. what's the connection between u and the last person u texted?.. very close friend

***question's 14, 15 & 21 missing.. m tagging s!LenT...!! :P n everyone else who visits my blog aswel..